New Ming & Ping Album Now Online for Pre-Sale

Ming & Ping "The Light of Day / The Darkness of Night" Pre-sale banner

Very excited to announce the release of Ming & Ping‘s new record “The Light of Day / The Darkness of Night.” After a very long break, we’re finally putting this out on vinyl and digital formats and the pre-sale link is here:

This is probably their best work to date and my best production work for sure. We’re also trying to raise funds to recover the costs of producing and manufacturing all this stuff, so please help out be contributing dollars or just sharing with your friends. We tried to keep costs down by doing a lot in-house but there are outside costs that you just can’t avoid. Thanks for supporting.

Free Download: Musical Instrument Frequency Chart for Music Producers and Engineers

musical instrument frequency chart

musical instrument frequency chart


Did you know a bass guitar can make lower sound frequencies than the average kick drum? Here’s a free PDF to show you the sound frequency of various instruments for aspiring music producers, engineers, and anyone else interested in sound.

A few years ago, I found a PDF online with all the frequency ranges for certain musical instruments, including male and female voices. The diagram was called “The Frequency Spectrum, Instrument Ranges, & EQ Tips” and it  was Continue reading “Free Download: Musical Instrument Frequency Chart for Music Producers and Engineers”

The Darkness of Night Press Kits


The gang and I have been putting together and mailing out a few press kits for Ming & Ping’s new EP “The Darkness of Night“. The press kits include a one-sheet, lyrics and a promo CD and they’ll be going out to radio stations and publications around the US. We’ve also erected a one-page website for press and radio folks. A lotta manual slave labor involved, so thanks to Pete, Taylor, and some special whiskey-drinking guests. :)

If you are a radio station, music/lifestyle blog, or print publication and you want in on the action please get in touch with us.

Ming & Ping’s The Darkness of Night Cover Art

Ming & Ping "The Darkness of Night" Cover Art

Ming & Ping "The Darkness of Night" Cover Art

Here is the final cover photo for Ming & Ping’s new EP “The Darkness of Night” shot by Marianne Williams. The outfits were designed and made with the help of Donna Pungprechawat of ReMADE Studios and Ryan Vasquez. We built more sculptural pieces, but ended up using the more toned down pieces because they fit the setting a little better. We also ended up not going with the warmer “Jan Saudek” color style, but instead used a cooler, blueish cross-process feel. It seemed to fit the mood better and show more of the environment and wardrobe detail better too. So I guess it proves that the initial idea doesn’t always translate best in execution.

The record itself is not bad either – download it from iTunes or CD Baby. Enjoy. :)

Replacement Drives

I will be replacing the studio’s big, loud, and temperamental Lacie Big Disks with smaller, quieter (and now cheaper) G-Tech G-Drives. I’m over Lacie drives with their unreliable power adapters and poorly engineered power management/sleep mode. The data recovery service will take 10 business days and cost almost $1300 because the Lacie Big Disk is actually made up of two hard drives on the inside, so they’re extracting data from two separate discs then merging it back into one folder structure. Definitely an unexpected cost and I’m sure I’m getting fleeced but I need this data – it includes “Chinatown” the final song from Ming & Ping‘s new record (which should have been sent to the manufacturers by now) as well as all of my own demos from the last couple of years. Funny how you don’t think to back things up if they’re “in progress”. Live and learn. Or not.